D O E S  E X A C T L Y  W H A T  I T  S A Y S  O N  T H E  T I N 

Four Short Plays does exactly what it says on the tin.

Four exciting new shorts, from a mix of talented new voices, all in one hour, curated by us.

F O U R  S H O R T  P L A Y S  -  O C T O B E R  2 0 2 3

You can check our our last Four Short Plays programme here


Singin' for Engerland by Benjamin Peel

Set in an unnamed seaside town, the play follows two homeless young people as England progresses in the 2018 World Cup.

Croppies by Adam Grant 

A crop circle faker and a crop circle believer encounter each other in a country pub and begin to understand one another.

This is my stop by Victoria Buse 

This is my stop' explores a daughter’s guilt and a mother’s worry as the two women, caught in a generational divide, reflect on recent events and life.

EyeSpy by Gatlin Perrin 

A down-on-their-luck loner is approached by an eccentric weirdo with an intriguing proposal: will the loner let the weirdo scoop out their eyeballs?